750 Peachtree Street Herndon, Virginia 20170-3798 Phone (703) 880-4300 Fax (703) 880-4320 www.sjcherndon.org
Compliance with AHERA Act January 7, 2013
Dear Parents, Volunteers, Vendors and other Building Occupants,
First and foremost, please have every confidence that St. Joseph Parish consistently adheres to all federal, state and local regulations regarding the welfare and safety of our families and visitors. We always exceed the standards formulated and required by federal law.
To give you a little background and to understand what has prompted this letter, it is important for you to know that Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) in 1986, which required that all school buildings, kindergarten through twelfth grade, be inspected to identify any asbestos-containing building materials. The law further requires the development of a Management Plan, based upon the findings of the inspection, which would outline a school’s intended plan of action in controlling the potential for exposure to asbestos fibers in a school, with a three year re-inspection of the buildings, and a six-month surveillance period to check the condition of all asbestos-containing materials.
It is a fact that, in the past, asbestos was used in building materials because of its insulating and fire retardant capabilities. Therefore, virtually any structure built before the late 1970’s contains at least some asbestos in pipe insulation and structural fireproofing. Yet, please be assured the during the construction over the last several years at St. Joseph School, all appropriate steps were taken to be sure that all known asbestos was removed or encapsulated.
Our most recent in-depth inspection of St. Joseph School has been completed, and any suspected asbestos-containing materials identified in our building meet or exceed the AHERA standards for containment or encapsulation, and will continue to be monitored above the standard required by law.
A copy of the management plan is on file, and you may address any questions to me as the designated Asbestos Manager at St. Joseph Catholic Church.
Please keep in mind that we will always exceed the standard when it comes to the safety of our families and visitors at St. Joseph Catholic Church and School.